Ph.D. Student
at the School of Information
in University of Michigan


Me (left) and Florence (right)

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I am now a second-year PhD student at UMSI, where I am co-advised by Prof.Misha Teplitskiy and Prof.David Jurgens.

I study science of science and innovation and I am currently interested in global disparities in science and knowledge transfer within the science community.

Previously, I received my M.S. in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and my B.S. in mechatronics engineering from Zhejiang University. After a circuitous journey, like solving a non-convex optimization problem, I unlock the thrill of computational social science research.

Now when I’m not playing with data, you can find me blazing the kitchen, searching for misplaced goggles, or honing my barista skills for a backup career plan.

See my CV for papers and links.